Friday, March 06, 2009

Maggots Feasting

So we are here.
In this place of excess and greed.
In this time of hope and fear.

I speak of apples.
The core has been rotting.
The maggots have been feasting.
And now the skin is cracking.
Puss is oozing out.
Soon this apple will be dried out.
What will happen to the seeds?

Capital. Labor. Production. Solidarity. Empty. Justice. Essential. Means. Empires. Markets. Lost.

Words like seeds.
Seeds like words.

And the maggots have been feasting.

Accumulation of wealth through the use of capital, credit, technology and modern management...I sing of thee...

And the maggots have been feasting.

The trickle down the rich man's leg and the poor can lick my shiny black boots theory of wealth accumulation...I sing of thee...

And the maggots have been feasting.

Neoconman's endless wars to make the world safe for market expansion and "free" trade...I sing of thee...

And the maggots have been feasting.

I speak of capital.
Bloated and stretched.
Bubbles bursting.
Smell of old farts lingering.
Blaming consumers for not consuming.
Markets shrinking now.
Rich eating the rich.

So we are here.
In this place of excess and greed.
In this time of hope and fear.


Blogger Achima Abelard said...

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10:05 PM, September 18, 2020  

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