With papers.
Without papers.
No difference to me.
If they do not have papers,
we can give them papers.
We got a lot of paper here.
Paper comes from paper stores.
The paper stores get it from paper factories.
The paper factories make it from pulp.
Pulp comes from trees, used paper and toothpicks.
We use a lot of tooth picks here.
When we walk out of Bobby's Belt Bustin' Buffet,
we always grab a few toothpicks.
Then we stick them in our mouths.
We pick out the little pieces of meat, corn or apples.
Some people spit the little pieces of food
out of their mouths and onto the parking lot.
That is nice because it gives the sparrows something to eat.
Me, I like to swallow the little pieces of food.
I guess that I am just selfish.
But everybody spits out the toothpicks
when they are done with them.
That is where the toothpick people come in.
My friend Tommy Tortuga told me about them.
Every city has them.
They come out at night.
They pick up the toothpicks.
They rinse them off.
The good ones go to a tooth pick refurbishing plant.
There is one maybe a half a mile from here.
The other toothpicks that are not good enough
to be refurbished go to a recycler.
There they are ground up.
Then they go to the pulp plant.
Then the pulp goes to the paper factory.
Then the paper is sent to the paper store.
Governmental bodies, busy bodies and
assorted other bodies buy the paper.
So anyway, we got a lot of paper here.
So all we have to do is write some words on the paper.
Then date it.
Then stamp it.
Then give it the paperless immigrant.
We can do all this before lunch.
Then we can all go to Bobby's Belt Bustin' Buffet.
I like the pickled herring.
My wife likes the lemon merengue pie.